‘Federations must decide when to resume, not us’ – SASCOC

‘Federations must decide when to resume, not us’ – SASCOC

The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) distances itself from certain media reports suggesting that SASCOC has cast doubt over the possibility of any team sports resuming in the near future in the wake of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).

‘In correcting that misrepresentation of SASCOC in that story, I state on behalf of SASCOC, that the protocol of resumption is the responsibility of each federation to determine when they are going to return to activity and on what basis. We cannot prescribe to federations when they should restart, just like we did not prescribe to them when they suspended or stopped their activities,’ explained SASCOC Acting President, Aleck Skhosana.

‘The best we can say is that each professional and amateur sport federation must look at the safety protocols that will protect the health of their athletes, coaches, administration and all involved. So when they are happy, the health department is happy and the whole government is happy with the protocols they present, then SASCOC will also be happy. We are not a jack-of-all-trades,’ he said.

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